All intellectual property rights of any kind, including but not limited to copyrights, patents, inventions, innovations, research, model, brand, trade secret, trademark, or any other rights of any of the products found on this site belong exclusively to Turnowsky and Turnowsky shall be exclusively entitled to the copyright in such intellectual property.

It is absolutely forbidden to copy, duplicate, sell, and/or use the materials found on this site for personal use, commercial use, and for any other use.

The user of this site declares that it is known that the use of this website does not grant any right to use and/or to copy and/or reproduce the products and/or information and/or materials contained in this site, except the right to use the site for viewing.

In addition, the user of this site agrees and declares that he will not use the information provided on this website, including with regard to Turnowsky, its products, materials and the like, for whatever purpose and that he will keep the information contained in this site in strict confidence and not pass it to any third party.

Also it should be noted, that in addition, the user of this site agrees and declares that he will not use the information provided on this website, including with regard to Turnowsky, its products, materials and the like, for any purpose whatever and that he will keep the information contained in this site in strict confidence and will not pass it to any third party.

Also it should be noted, that Turnowsky does not warrant that the products that appear on this site are necessarily included in the stock of Turnowsky and/or the products which appear on the site will be sold, and therefore all the products that are on the website are for viewing only.

All rights reserved by Turnowsky.